Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Fiscal Impact of Runaway Immigration

Last year Americans responded in justifiable anger against the amnesty proposals for illegal immigrants that some of our federal legislators were trying to force on America’s citizens. Yet the people said “no” for many good reasons – our concern for American sovereignty and our belief that the laws of our nation must be upheld, the unfairness of granting citizenship to scofflaws when so many law abiding people continue to wait their turn, the threat that cheap illegal labor has on American jobs by driving down wages, and, in the aftermath of 9/11, the serious threats that unsecured borders pose to our nation.

At the outset, let me emphatically state that I am not opposed to immigration. I am opposed to illegal immigration. We are a nation of immigrants. But immigration must be managed in accordance with our established laws! Every country has a sovereign right to regulate its borders and surely our country does as well.

It concerns me that many do not consider the enormous financial costs that out-of-control immigration imposes on local, state and federal governments. An extraordinary new study on the costs of legal and illegal immigration, “
The Economic and Fiscal Impact of Immigration” by Edwin S. Rubenstein, reveals the staggering costs of this crisis and the massive hidden burden it imposes on every American taxpayer. The study analyzes the costs to fifteen federal departments and agencies. Yet as shocking as these findings are, they are only part of the story, because the study does not include the enormous costs to local and state governments.

Rubenstein points out that the U.S. has 37 million legal and illegal immigrants that cost U.S. taxpayers last year more than $346 billion. This means that U.S. taxpayers are providing on average more than $9,000 annually to each immigrant or $36,000 for a family of four. These costs imperil our economy and our nation and they affect virtually every aspect of our national life.

Since most immigrants don’t speak English, 3.8 million children of immigrants enrolled in K-12 schools require special classes and the hiring and training of specialized teachers with annual costs estimated at $1,030 per pupil, or $3.9 billion. In the next few years, immigration will consume the entire planned increase in spending for public schools.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides $250 million annually to help hospitals cover part of the costs of providing emergency medical treatment to illegal immigrants, but costs to the hospitals are far greater than the federal reimbursement and as a result some emergency rooms and hospitals have been forced to close.

Our federal prisons house 267,000 criminal aliens in an already overcrowded system. As a result of overcrowding, many dangerous criminals who otherwise should be securely locked-up are out among us.

The Federal Housing Administration has encouraged home ownership among low-income immigrants by requiring down payments as low as $200 to $300. Since these buyers have virtually nothing invested, they often walk away when they can’t meet their mortgage payments, resulting in blighted, abandoned houses and neighborhoods, and high foreclosure rates that threaten our economy.

This entire enormous tab, paid for by the American taxpayers, is increasing while the former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan and many federal representatives in the House and Senate are calling for even higher levels of immigration. Greenspan has said that “significantly opening up immigration to [more] skilled workers solves two problems: Companies can hire educated workers they need. And those workers would compete with high-income people, driving more income equality.”

What this really means is that salaries are being depressed for skilled American workers who will now be forced to compete with a flood of foreign competitors in our own country. American workers are being squeezed, but by whom?

Nearly half a century ago, President Eisenhower, who had been a great military leader, warned Americans of an emerging “military-industrial complex” that even then was seen to be threatening our national sovereignty. In the past year we have seen the enormous power and influence that modern day transnational corporations, with no allegiance to our nation, wield over the decisions of many of our elected representatives.

Time and again the American people have insisted that we want our borders secured and illegal immigration stopped. Yet time and again, through parliamentary maneuvers, last minute amendments, and their own singular determination, many of our elected representatives have sought to give amnesty for illegal immigrants already here, while doing little or nothing to stop this destructive growing tsunami.

America is at a crossroads. Will we allow our businesses and industries to be deported and our people reduced to a mere labor pool for transnational corporations, or will we continue as one nation, under God, the shining city upon a hill? The choice is ours to make.

Several roll call votes on this issue make clear which of our representatives are working for transnational corporations and which are working for “we the people.” It is our civic duty to take notice of who’s who and wield the power we still have at our polling places to literally reclaim our country.


Anonymous said...

Truer words were never spoken on the cost of illegal immigration! Keep tell'n it like it is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tell it like it is brother, it's got to be said

Anonymous said...

wow a cool politician dude

Anonymous said...

yep!We have a government populated by the jackass element.Sadly we voted them in.This we can change.There are several ways.Vote or overthrow.Either way,I don't care as long as we rid ourselves of the present group.Mexico,a throughly corrupt gang of thugs,Has long wanted the Southwest returned.I am totally hostile toward any 'deal' which could result in amnesty.And yep,appears that the only way is----well you get the point,or rather the bullet.

Anonymous said...

Sen.Linsey Grahman does not even know that anyone who is here illegally from Canada or Mexico can claim every person that they send money to as a dependant on their taxes which they file to establish amnesty. Just Google IRS Dependant and check the section under requirements.
This is not fair. Many Immigrants legal and illegal send billions of dollars overseas each year to support there relatives who are waiting to come here legally and they can not claim them as dependants!
The IRS will even give them a number to use when filing taxes if they do not have a social security number, same for the dependants claimed.
Any smart lawyer can claim that if they file taxes, then they were accepted as legally here and petiton to get there status changed.
So when they send money to smuggle someone accross the border, they can claim them as a dependant.
Our Government and politicians are out of control, collecting bribes from companies who hire illegals to look the other way.
We probably have 1/3 a Nation acting illegally. What respect for authority and the legal system does that create? This society is crumbling like the Roman Empire and no one has figured it out yet?

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Tough stuff but it has to be talked about.

Anonymous said...

Good comments from all, but I don't believe we're crumbling like the Roman Empire. ILLEGAL immigration needs to be stopped, though. It's a shame that everyone in the Government can't agree that illegal immigration is causing this Country to lose money for its people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Without amnesty we will have plagues of uncut grass and unpicked cabbage. You need to take that into account when you propose tightening up on illegals.

Anonymous said...